Yesterday’s Tomorrow *2023

a&o Kunsthalle Warszawa

mix media installation / various sizes

Based on her narrative work “Yesterday’s Tomorrow (Eden),” originally conceived for the group exhibition “Paradise Engineering” at the Rosa Stern Space in Munich, this solo exhibition presents an expanded exploration and overall cross-space installation. It addresses the nuanced concept of paradise, the complex dynamics of human life, and the evolving symbolism of wealth and power in our world today.

In “Yesterday’s Tomorrow,” Raczyńska engaged in a profound dialogue with the works of Hieronymus Bosch and Jan Brueghel. Similar to Bosch, who is famous for his surreal and symbolic compositions, she dared to reinterpret the timeless notion of paradise in the context of the present. Here, the Garden of Eden transcends traditional representation and evolves into an intricate web of metaphors in which money, wealth, and influence are seamlessly integrated into grand urban landscapes-a modern capitalist haven within the confines of a Christian architectural element.

Text: Tanja Heuchele

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